Digest Ease
For a Healthy (Lower) Gut
Digest-Ease can be used regularly to promote overall gut health and wellness or occasionally to relieve mild stomach upset.
If you have a healthy, balanced diet but still have many signs of nutritional deficiencies, the problem may lie in your digestive tract. Diet and nutritional intake are paramount to overall health, but so is being able to digest it properly!
Digest-Ease uses four simple and organic ingredients in a base of organic cane alcohol and water to promote healthy digestion and help relieve different kinds of stomach discomfort.
ABSOLUTELY NO artificial colors, fillers, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, eggs, dairy, fish), or other junk!
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