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Organic Cane alcohol

Cane alcohol

Cane Alcohol can help...

  • If you want to extract flavors or preserve a flavor
  • If you want to make an extract or tincture.
  • If you are wanting to make skincare
  • If you are making herbal tinctures for alternative remedies

Benefits of Cane Alcohol in Tinctures

  • Has a lower toxicity and impurity levels than other types of alcohol
  • Extracts constituents from the herbs
  • Provides a long shelf life

Common ways to use Cane Alcohol

  • Cooking and beverages
  • Skincare
  • Extracts
  • Tinctures

How Cane Alcohol is Made

Cane alcohol is made from fermenting sugars from plants. After it goes through fermentation, it is distilled. The sugar cane is grown to maturity and then harvested. Once it is harvested, it is taken to the distillery and the cane is crushed to help get the juices out. The juice is then fermented. They use natural yeast to start the fermentation process. The liquid from the fermentation is called “wash.” The wash is then heated and put through a distillation process. That helps to separate the liquid from the impurities. When the alcohol vapor rises, that is when it is collected. The cycle of heating to separate the impurities and collecting the vapor happens several times to ensure that it is the purest form. It is then bottled.

Safety Concerns

Cane alcohol in the quantity found in tinctures has very few safety concerns. Alcohol consumption is a sensitive subject with many personal ideas and opinions. If you chose not to consume alcohol, we have an alcohol-free line of tinctures that are made with glycerin instead of alcohol.

Drug Interaction: Alcohol can interact with many OTCs and prescription drugs. If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your health care provider before using a product containing alcohol.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: Alcohol in significant quantities is not recommended for pregnancy or breastfeeding. The amount of alcohol in Earthley’s tinctures is approximately 1 ml per dose.

Select Studies About Cane Alcohol

Preparation of Medicinal Plants: Basic Extraction and Fractionation Procedures for Experimental Purposes - PMC (nih.gov)

Alcohol, including cane, is an important part of preserving and extracting medicinal plants.

Use of alcohol hand sanitizer as an infection control strategy in an acute care facility - PubMed (nih.gov)

The cane alcohol helps to kill bacteria. It works as an antiseptic so it a good resource for infection control.

Some of our products using this ingredient