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Organic Dehydrated Garlic

Allium sativum

You might need garlic if you. . .

  • You are experiencing an illness you may need antibiotics for
  • You need help controlling the cholesterol in your blood
  • You are experiencing spikes in your blood pressure
  • You think you may have parasites or want to prevent them. (most of us do)
  • You have problems with your blood getting oxygen to your body

Benefits of Garlic

  • It has natural antibiotic properties
  • It helps to control cholesterol
  • It is great for lowering your blood pressure
  • It is an antiparasitic and helps to detox the body
  • It will help with the consistency of your blood and allow it to carry oxygen properly.

Common ways to use Garlic

Garlic is commonly used in food—as it should be. It is a tasty addition and seasoning to most, if not all, dishes. You can eat the plant and the cloves. It is used raw, cooked, infused in oil, dried, and granulated. You can also find it in capsules for medicinal use.

Safety Concerns

Drug Interaction: If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your healthcare provider before adding new herbs to your diet.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Other Concerns: Garlic is very safe for the majority of people but there are still some possible safety concerns to consider such as; allergies- some people could be allergic to garlic, blood thinning, digestive issues, interactions with medications or stomach irritation.

Select Studies About Garlic

Garlic and onions: their cancer prevention properties - PubMed (nih.gov)

Plants like garlic and onions have possible cancer-prevention properties in the GI tract. No complex studies have been done on this thought, but there have been studies on the potential mechanisms, such as the decreased bioactivation of carcinogens.

Anti-hyperlipidemia of garlic by reducing the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein: A meta-analysis - PubMed (nih.gov)

This study looks at how garlic affects the way garlic improves blood lipids and how they move. This prevents plaque from getting stuck to the vessels' sides.

Some of our products using this ingredient